Annual Review, Office Operations
There are 3 questions that I’m going to answer in my Annual Review: What went well this year? What didn’t go so well this year? What am I working toward? What went well 2022 was the year I finally ran my own race. I always tell people to “go at your own...
Annual Review, Office Operations
There are 3 questions that I’m going to answer in my Annual Review: What went well this year? What didn’t go so well this year? What am I working toward? What went well 2019 and 2020 were all about streamlining and consolidating but I wanted to go even...
Annual Review, Office Operations
There are 3 questions that I’m going to answer in my Annual Review: What went well this year? What didn’t go so well this year? What am I working toward? What went well Big Transitions. I know it sounds like a weird place to start, but when I think back...