The theme this month is Organizing Your Life, Home, and Office for more Fun and Flow.
In this series, we’ve talked about cultivating a clean and happy home, refueling your spirit with routines, how to create a less-stressy business day, so much good stuff!
Money talk is often a stressor for people and couples, but knowing exactly how much money you’re earning and how it’s being spent is critical to staying out of debt and running a lucrative business. Creating separate budgets for home and business is a must; otherwise, you end up spending and spending without any real understanding of what things cost. Without this basic knowledge, you’ll live paycheck to paycheck and get stressed every time a bill comes due. We don’t want that! We want to make life more fun, flowy, and happy!
Today’s topic is Finesse your Finances.
Welcome back to Systems Sunday! We are wrapping up our theme this month of Organizing Your Life, Home, and Office for more Fun and Flow. In this series, we’ve talked about cultivating a clean and happy home, refueling your spirit with routines, how to create a less-stressy business day, so much good stuff. And I hope you are feeling a little relief as you set up some organizational routines to tackle the areas in your life that need help. If you need to catch up, I’ve included links in the resource section.
I am Lisa Wells, Your Virtual Assistant Trainer.
Money talk is often a stressor for people – and couples – but knowing exactly how much money you’re earning and how it’s being spent is critical to staying out of debt and running a lucrative business. Creating separate budgets for home and business is a must; otherwise, you end up spending and spending without any real understanding of what things cost. Without this basic knowledge, you’ll live paycheck to paycheck and get stressed every time a bill comes due. If you already have a budget in place, take some time to look it over and be sure the prices haven’t increased. If not, get started now with sorting out all your expenses and earnings. It’s a must for making life more fun, flowy and happy!
Today’s topic is Finesse your Finances.
1. Use a budgeting software so you can “see” where your money is going each month. Mint is a popular choice and can be accessed via desktop and smartphone. You’ll find dozens of other budgeting apps so do some research and choose the one that fills your needs. Knowing exactly how much you have to spend at any moment will help you make better purchasing decisions.
2. Automate as much of your finances as possible. Bill payments, subscriptions, retirement savings, and other investments are easy to set up. However, still keep track of which bills are due on which dates so you don’t run into overdraft problems or additional fees. Setting it and forgetting it saves time unless you don’t have the money in the account when these payments are due.
3. Set savings goals. Experts tell us that having an emergency savings fund is extremely important so you can provide for your family in the event of a catastrophic emergency or job loss. But have you figured out exactly how many months YOUR savings account would last with your current expenditures? Set your savings goals and then set up an automatic transfer with your bank that takes this money right out of your paycheck.
4. Consider opening a retirement account or other investment account. Retirement is never as far away as it seems and the more time you have to plan for it, the better off you’ll be. A financial advisor can help you determine how much money you should aim for as well as setting up a retirement or investment account. They are also willing to answer questions as they arise and should offer an annual review of your account to determine if you’re on track with your goals or if something needs to be changed.
5. Implement “Financial Fridays” with your spouse or partner. If you aren’t the type of person who is checking their bank accounts every day – or if you are the one who pays all the bills each month – try setting up a weekly “money date” where you check all your bank accounts, figure out how much you have, how much came out this week and how much will come in and out the next. This will give you peace of mind as you go about the following week.
There’s a lot to get you started and I wanted to make it super easy for you so I created a new downloadable worksheet to help you get started in creating finance routines for your household and business. You can sign up right below the video and it will immediately go to your inbox.
If you enjoyed this episode and want more tips and strategies, check out my new Organize Your Life, Home, Office & Routines Training system. In this training, you’ll learn how to organize everything from your home office to your self-care routines (and all the things in between!) with just a few hours a week, so you can accomplish both what you need to and what you’d love to. You can find the product below or head over to my VA Business Builder Boutique by clicking on Shop in the menu bar.
That’s all for now, have a great week!
Catch up on other “Organizing Your Life, Home, and Office for more Fun and Flow” episodes + resources mentioned in the video:
Sign up for my free simple systems for virtual assistants weekly videos and get this Free Download
Did you enjoy this episode and want to put it into action? Check out this training system!
Organize Your Life, Home, Office & Routines
Feel like your life is one, big unorganized mess & it’s really time to get it together, but don’t know where to start?
Tell me if any of the following sounds like you…
1. You don’t have solid routines or structure in your days because you started your business for more freedom–but truth be told, it’s draining and time-consuming trying to keep up with all your commitments (and “life stuff”) without a plan.
2. You’re struggling to get it all done in your business because you’re constantly stressing about everything else–like the dirty dishes in the sink, or the laundry that most definitely needed to be moved from the washer to the dryer several hours ago (oops!)
3. You’re eating like crap because you haven’t planned a meal ahead in months. (You’re way-too-familiar with the frantic search for something–anything–to eat at the end of a long work day, and never actually making it yoga, HIIT or barre despite your best intentions).
4. Overall, you’re overwhelmed by all the things in your life and business and it’s reflected in everything from your waistline to your bottom line
…then keep your eyes on this page.
Here’s the deal: Everything in life is connected. And as a business owner, the truth is you’ll get lots more done (and have way more fun!) if you create solid structures, plans & routines.
For example…
When your home is organized, you can hyper-focus on your work without secretly obsessing about the dirty bathrooms or the major mess in the family room (And when your office space is clean & pristine, it becomes a place you actually want to be.)
When you have routines in place that ensure you’re well-nourished with healthy food, well-rested with adequate sleep and well-manicured with self-care rituals, you feel creatively full (versus energetically drained) when serving your cherished clients or customers.
And when your finances are in check, you can enjoy life (and enjoy spending a little cashola) without sweating over what bill is coming out when and whether everyone on your team is paid out (or not).
See how it works?
Yep, when you’re a business owner, it ALL matters. Your mental health–and the health of your business–truly depends on every area of life and business flowing well together. (Especially if you’re the face–and backbone!–of your business).
The good news? You can start simplifying, streamlining and “doing” life and business with more intention today.
Yep, with just a few tweaks, you can ensure every single area of your life is “in check” and (almost) instantly start experiencing more fun, happiness and ease in your daily life.
Organize Your Life, Home, Office & Routines for More Fun, Flow, and Happiness
In this training, you’ll learn how to organize everything from your home office to your self-care routines (and all the things in between!) with just a few hours a week, so you can accomplish both what you need to and what you’d love to.
We’ll comb through the main areas of your life and put some simple, actionable routines and practices into place–and as a result, you’ll get to see firsthand how everything flows better, faster and easier!
Here’s a peek at what we’ll cover….
- Advantages of organizing your life so it all flows together
- The best systems for streamlining your weekly tasks–from cleaning to meal prepping and back again–for more productivity and pleasure
- How to efficiently eliminate distractions (like ahem, dirty laundry) during your day so you can get more done with less stress
- How to make meal planning, prepping, cooking and shopping 100x easier on yourself–especially as a business owner!
- Creating a less stressful business day through structure, routine & boundaries, so you can easily get into the groove/flow
- Managing your money and finances so you’re not forever-wondering if you paid that bill (or if you have enough to pay that bill) while crafting content, serving clients or living your life
- Living your life in line with your natural rhythms and inclinations. (i.e. If you prefer working at night, allow yourself the luxury!) all while being a better business owner (and human)
- Crafting an ideal schedule that includes both home and work tasks so you can make sure every area of your life is tended to, every day
When we’re done, you’ll have a plan for everything and everything will have a plan. Period.