#139: Helpful Hacks to Help You Figure Out Your Zone of Genius

Office Operations

The theme this month is Finding Your Zone of Genius: Your Key to a Low-Stress, Highly-Profitable Business That You Love!

In the last episode, I mentioned that finding your Zone of Genius is a process and you CAN find yours if you’re willing to put in the introspective work and keep your mind open to making changes in your business. The good news is you don’t have to completely recreate your business to find your Genius. All it takes is some brainstorming and noticing how you feel about the small details. (If you need to catch up, you can find the link in the Resources section below.)

The not-so-good news is that finding your unique Zone of Genius means making the necessary shifts to spend more time in your zone. Just like any other form of personal development, you’ll need some time to decide where your zone lies and how you can embrace it so you can spend the majority of your time there.

Today’s topic is Helpful Hacks to Help you Find Your Zone of Genius.

Welcome to Systems Sunday! The theme this month is Finding Your Zone of Genius: Your Key to a Low-Stress, Highly-Profitable Business That You Love!

I am Lisa Wells, your Virtual Assistant Trainer.

In the last episode, I mentioned that finding your Zone of Genius is a process and you CAN find yours if you’re willing to put in the introspective work and keep your mind open to making changes in your business. The good news is you don’t have to completely recreate your business to find your Genius. All it takes is some brainstorming and noticing how you feel about the small details.

The not-so-good news is that finding your unique Zone of Genius means making the necessary shifts to spend more time in your zone. Just like any other form of personal development, you’ll need some time to decide where your zone lies and how you can embrace it so you can spend the majority of your time there.

Also, in the last episode, I told you to write down your business activities and then put them into four work zones or categories. If you haven’t done that yet, be sure to download the worksheet in the resources section and fill it out.

Today’s topic is helpful hacks to help you find your zone of genius.

To find your Zone of Genius:

  • Start off by looking at your current business activities with a discerning eye. What does your daily routine look like? Do you have a plan of action for each day or do you just “do whatever”? Jot down all the tasks you do each day. If you can’t think of them all, jot down notes during this next week.
  • With that same discerning eye, look at your list and ask if you’re working most efficiently. Do ALL these tasks have to happen? Are YOU the only person who can complete them? Is there another way – or an automated solution – to completing these tasks that frees up some extra time? Be open-minded about solutions. Ask your business peers how they use technology in their business. There might be a hack (or three!) that you’re simply not aware of…yet.
  • Don’t be shy about completely ditching or eliminating certain draining tasks–OR outsourcing them and we’ll talk more about outsourcing in this series.

The ultimate goal is to spend the majority of your time working in your Zone of Genius. You’ll likely discover that you fluctuate back and forth with your Zone of Excellence, too.

However, you should first work toward removing any tasks in your Zone of Incompetence from your day either by elimination or delegation. And remember that we’re focused on what YOU are good at, not what your spouse or business partner or clients say you’re good at. Only you can say for sure what you like and don’t like.

To reiterate: Your Zone of Genius is “YOUR THING.” It includes the tasks you most like to do, that come the easiest, and that also yield the best results for your business. It’s not just the stuff you’re “good at” (or even excellent at!) – it’s the work you do that doesn’t feel like work, and even if it’s challenging, leaves you feeling fulfilled, not drained.

Right this minute, jot down a few tasks that you think fit into your Zone of Genius. There’s no right or wrong; but I want you to notice if these change for you over the course of this series.

Not 100% sure what your Zone of Genius is? Here are a few hacks to help you figure it out:

People often use “Zone of Genius” and “flow state” synonymously. When you’re in flow (or “in the zone”), you get things done easily. You feel excited and inspired while doing the work and the results are usually better, too. That said, another way to get clear on your Zone of Genius is to figure out when you most easily get into that “flow state.”

Here’s another exercise for you: Think about 3 recent times you were “in the zone” or “in the flow”:

  • Write down in detail what was going on during these three experiences.
  • What project(s) were you working on?
  • What skills were you using (i.e. writing, number-crunching, art, coaching, etc.)?
  • Who were you working with? Who were you working for?
  • Look for the patterns and overlaps between these three events. What similarities are there in the task, role, project, partners, clients, or type of work? These answers should help you pinpoint your Zone of Genius.

Take another look at those tasks that you think are in your Zone of Genius. Have any of them changed yet as you’ve been listening or are you still pretty certain? Hopefully it will become clearer, but if not, no worries. It’s completely natural to need longer than a few minutes to discover this Zone of Genius.

If you enjoyed this episode and want more tips and strategies, check out my new Discover Your Zone of Genius training system. You’ll learn how to figure out what naturally fills you up so you can tap into more flow and fun and how to create a life by design for more income and less overwhelm. You’ll get a training guide and accompanying workbook complete with worksheets, 4-week done for you calendar, and handy checklist.

You can find the product below or head over to my VA Business Builder Boutique by clicking on Shop in the menu bar.

Join me next week for Pinpoint What Isn’t “Your Thing”–So You Can Finally Find What Is! Bye for now.

Did you enjoy this episode and want to put it into action? Check out this training system!

Discover Your Zone of Genius


If your current To-Do List is the bane of your existence and you’re so over ending each day tired and uninspired, this one’s for you….

Stop Trying to “Do It All”–and Start Doing ONLY What You Love

Ready to Radically Increase Your Productivity, Pleasure and Profit?

A few questions for you:

Ever feel like you spend your whole day staring at your laptop from behind your cute blue blockers, but don’t actually feel fulfilled by any work you’ve done?

Do you pass out onto your silk pillowcase most nights feeling drained and depleted–and not-so-secretly dreading the fact that you know you have to do it all, all over again the next day?

Do you know your work-life balance sucks, but don’t quite know what to do about it?

Have you ever thought, “I really didn’t go into business for myself to do all of THIS!”?

Do you ever feel compelled to say “yes” to opportunities because you know you can do the work, even though in your gut you don’t want to and it won’t actually get you any closer to your goals & dreams?

And do you ever wonder how other VAs seem so wildly efficient, productive and (quite frankly) turned on by their work…when you’re barely keeping your head above water (and your eyes peeled open) most days?

If so, you’re not alone.


Discover Exactly What Your Zone of Genius is to Create a Low-Stress, Highly Profitable Business that You Love

When you purchase, you’ll receive a training guide and workbook walking you step-by-step through how to pinpoint your unique Zone of Genius so you can make more money doing only work you love (read: make loads of cash without going crazy!)

#139: Helpful Hacks to Help You Figure Out Your Zone of Genius


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