5-Step Marketing Plan for the Heart-Centered Entrepreneur



Your marketing plan is a roadmap for one of the key components of your business – marketing. You want to share your wisdom in a way that feels good.

When most people think of creating a marketing plan, they envision a long, extensively detailed document. While that may be the requirement for people seeking outside funding, this really isn’t the case for most online business owners. In fact, a marketing plan doesn’t have to be all that complicated to be effective. It provides the blueprint for how you intend to market your business, so the plan only has to be as long as you need. Creating your own marketing plan to map out your goals and marketing action plans will increase your chances for success.

This 5-Step Marketing Plan covers:

  • Step 1: Goals and Planning
  • Step 2: Marketing Strategies
  • Step 3: Create a Supporting Marketing Plan
  • Step 4: Create Your MAPs (Marketing Action Plans)
  • Step 5: Delegate!

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