Client Onboarding Planner


Preparing a thorough client onboarding system will save you time, money, and a bit of your sanity because any system resolves a problem and, in this case, that problem is getting all the client info you need, tracking all that paperwork, plus making them feel welcome. Always wondering if you sent out the more updated forms or not having a clear way of labeling and storing the returned paperwork will distract from your other clients or marketing tasks. Having all your documents written, proofread, edited, branded, stored in one document folder on your computer and with an easy labeling system will save you hours of time searching for the right components. This planner walks you step by step to setting up your perfect onboarding system.


The Step-by-Step Planner Covers:

  • Step One: Take Stock
    • Exercise: Map out your existing client onboarding flow
  • Step Two: Think Like a Business
    • Exercise: Identify tasks you should not be doing and make a plan to replace yourself
  • Step Three: Find the Holes
    • Exercise: Review emails, help desk, social channels, phone logs for trouble spots and recurring issues
  • Step Four: Invest in Solid Systems
    • Exercise: Make and prioritize an upgrade list
  • Step Five: Create a Policies + Procedures Manual
    • Exercise: Create a policy and procedures manual
  • Step Six: Build a Library of Copy/Paste Documents
    • Exercise: Develop a documentation library
  • Step Seven: Cross-Train Your Team
    • Exercise: Identify team members for cross-training
  • Step Eight: Take a Cue From the Manufacturing Industry
    • Exercise: Create a continual improvement policy and schedule

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