The Step-by-Step Planner Covers:
- Step One: Take Stock
- Exercise: Map out your existing client onboarding flow
- Step Two: Think Like a Business
- Exercise: Identify tasks you should not be doing and make a plan to replace yourself
- Step Three: Find the Holes
- Exercise: Review emails, help desk, social channels, phone logs for trouble spots and recurring issues
- Step Four: Invest in Solid Systems
- Exercise: Make and prioritize an upgrade list
- Step Five: Create a Policies + Procedures Manual
- Exercise: Create a policy and procedures manual
- Step Six: Build a Library of Copy/Paste Documents
- Exercise: Develop a documentation library
- Step Seven: Cross-Train Your Team
- Exercise: Identify team members for cross-training
- Step Eight: Take a Cue From the Manufacturing Industry
- Exercise: Create a continual improvement policy and schedule