
Marketing Your Business Collection

Original price was: $128.00.Current price is: $50.00.

Complete collection of templates, action kits, and planners to help you market your virtual assistant business like a rock star!



This unique collection includes the following templates, action kits, and planners designed to help you market your virtual assistant business:

  • 7 Ways to Get More Clients for Your VA Business (Even If You Hate Marketing) Action Kit
    • 21-Page Guide giving you step-by-step, visuals, and examples of how to get more clients, “21 Idea Blueprint” giving you twenty-one ideas, 4-week done-for-you calendar + Checklist + Worksheet, and a Resource Directory with links to tools and resources
  • Personal Branding Online Templates
    • A complete bundle of worksheets, tools, questionnaire, plus an Insider’s Guide with tips on creating an attractive brand strategy and how to reach your ideal client/customer
  • Fill Your Blog Templates
    • Bundle of templates, calendars, planners and checklists to help you consistently post valuable new content to your blog
  • Design & Plan Your Client-Attracting Website Productivity Planner
  • Market Your Business Like a Pro at Conferences and Live Events Productivity Planner