Monthly Email Content Calendar
Have you ever been so caught up in your daily work that all of a sudden you come to the shocking realization that you haven’t emailed your list in 4 weeks (or longer)?
Or have you ever had the thought that you really NEED to email your list, but you’re stuck on what to say or what to promote?
Neither scenario is ideal, especially if you’re using email marketing as a way to nurture your list to further that Know, Like, and Trust relationship. These are the people who will buy from you, but how can they get to know, like, and trust you if they never hear from you? With sporadic email marketing, you’ll spend more time refreshing their memories of who you are rather than making sales.
So, instead of sitting on this revolving hamster wheel that leads nowhere, create an email planning calendar! Doing so will allow you to get clear on exactly when and how many emails you’ll be sending during the month. The beauty of this type of calendar is you can use it as a template for future months by making just a few tweaks.